"Working together to be our best"
Woodgate Primary Academy offers a Breakfast and Afterschool Club for all pupils in Reception to Year 6 at the school, run by our Teaching Assistants.
Breakfast club opens at 7.30am and a breakfast of cereal, toast and drink is served to those requesting it when booking. At 8.40am the children go onto the playground to get ready to go into class. Prices start at £3.85.
In addition there is an After School club which runs from 3.15pm to 4.45/5.15pm. The children can join in with activities such as crafting, baking and reading time. They also have the opportunity to complete their homework and weather permitting they play games outside, a snack is also offered to all. Prices start at £8.25.
Booking is available via School Gateway. For Reception children new to the school, bookings will open on 2nd September 2024 for dates from 16th September onwards. Please ensure that bookings are completed along with payment in advance, within 1 night before the dates you require for breakfast club. In case of any queries please contact the School Office on 01444 461329 or email office@woodgateprimary.school.