
Woodgate Primary Academy

"Working together to be our best"

Hedgehogs – Reception

Welcome to Hedgehogs Class!



Welcome to Hedgehogs' class page. 


 Miss Sanders is the class teacher, with Mrs Malik and Mrs Martin as the teaching assistants.


Our new topic for the Spring term is Ready Steady Grow!

Please see our overview of the learning we will be exploring during this term. 


Our PE day is Thursday afternoon.

Children can come to school wearing their PE kits on Thursdays. 


Forest School is on Wednesday afternoon. 

Please make sure the children have suitable clothing for this every week as they will be going outside whatever the weather! The children can come to school wearing one layer of clothing and we will put on their extra layers before they go outside.


Reading books.

These need to be brought into school every day and will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Please make sure you have read your child's book at least 3 times and wrote a comment in the monkey reading record. 


Homework Book. 

The children have an orange homework book which they have tricky words/phonics put in every week for them to practice at home. They will also get a maths challenge linked to our learning to try at home. This will be sent home every week via tapestry on memos. If you need a paper copy of the homework sheet please ask. 

Any of the homework completed from the activities at home grid can also be put in their orange book. 

Meet the team!

Helpful learning links
