"Working together to be our best"
Welcome to Foxes Class!
Monday - Wednesday
Class Teacher: Mrs Highton
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Taylor
Thursday and Friday
Class Teacher: Mr Clay
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dickinson
We welcome Miss Williams, a third year student teacher, who is joining our team until the end of February 2025.
Vanessa will be teaching French on Thursdays.
Presentation from the Start the Year meeting with Mrs Highton on 24.9.24.
This is an example of our weekly timetable in Year 5 and 6. Our timetable is always subject to change and there are occasions when we may work 'off-timetable', for example during theme weeks.
Knowledge organisers are used to support learning in foundation subjects and science. They cover what the children will be learning in that subject area and help with both learning and retaining new knowledge. You can find more information about our curriculum for the year on the Curriculum page.
We are happy to Foxes with their book selection and encourage them to read a wide range of types and genres of books. There are links above to suggested reads for each year group, and many more on the Foxes classroom window.
During the spring term, PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on those days. This must adhere to our uniform policy.
We were pleased to offer Forest School to both year 5 and 6 during the autumn term. Foxes do not have Forest School in spring and summer term.
Homework will be set every Thursday and due in the following Tuesday. The homework sheet will be posted on Seesaw and work should be completed either on Seesaw or in their homework books.
Homework will generally consist of maths, spellings and reading each week. There may also be additional tasks linked to other areas of learning. Homework will always be purposeful and we ask for your support in encouraging your children to complete their homework each week.
Logins for Seesaw and Times Table Rock Stars have been sent home - please see Mrs Highton or Mr Clay if you need a replacement copy.