"Working together to be our best"
Our SENCO at Woodgate Primary Academy is Mrs Jenny Bird.
Mrs Bird is in school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you would like to make an appointment please contact the school office on 01444 461329.
Message from the Autism and Social Communication Team:
I hope you are all well as we fast approach the end of term.
I have attached a list of activities that are available to families over the summer holidays from Aspen’s.
There is a FLASH SALE until 17th July - follow copy this link for info and to apply:
Kind regards
Kelly Sibley
Reaching Families Benefits Advice Service
We are delighted to announce that Reaching Families Benefits Advice Service has restarted and is now available for parent-carers of a child or young person with SEND to access. Thanks to major new investment we have been able to appoint a new benefits advisor and support worker to advise parent-carers on applications for Carers Allowance, DLA and PIP and undertake claim checks in advance of submitting. The team have also been joined by a new benefits service administrator. |
Parents can self refer to the service and book appointments via our website here: Reaching Families Benefits Advice Service
As always, we would advise parents to book their appointments well in advance of submission deadlines as we expect demand for the service to be very high. Statutory and voluntary agencies can also refer parent-carers to the service via benefits@reachingfamilies.org.uk
For information on all of our services please visit our website here: Reaching Families
Colleagues from our knowledgeable and friendly team are offering a free course to anyone who wishes to gain more knowledge and insight into emerging risks and harms associated with online safety, radicalisation and county lines. The session will highlight the dangers that young people encounter, such as grooming, gaming and oversharing, the dangers associated with children being recruited into drug dealing (known as County Lines), and how to protect young people from radicalisation into extremism.
In order to apply for this free course, you need to:
This free course will be face-to-face at County Hall North in Horsham, on the 22 July 2024, 10.00-14.00. If you are interested in this free course, please email communitysafety.wellbeing@westsussex.gov.uk. |
Family Learning and Parenting is a brand new area of the Adult Learning Service at West Sussex County Council that focuses on families learning together, ensuring they have fun and develop new skills. We hope to provide families with a variety of different opportunities where they can spend quality time together and learn positive parenting practices, while also meeting like-minded people. Family Learning and Parenting is still in early planning stages, but some of the workshops and courses we have been working on include:
We would love to be reactive to the needs of our West Sussex families and we are always interested in working towards new suggestions. We aim to work closely with the community and deliver these courses in various venues across West Sussex that are accessible and provide a positive learning environment. Our courses are fully funded and are delivered by specially trained tutors. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email familylearning@westsussex.gov.uk or visit our webpage. |
Neuro-developmental pathways animations
West Sussex County Council, NHS Sussex, the West Sussex Parent Carer Forum and Reaching Families have jointly developed some animations for children, young people and families going through ND assessments.
Animations for children and young people going through neurodevelopmental assessments
WSCC, NHS Sussex, West Sussex Parent Carer Forum and Reaching families have jointly developed some useful animations for children, young people and families going through neurodevelopmental assessments. Please watch and share! |
West Sussex Parent Carer Forum
We hope you are well and have had a positive start to the 2023/2024 academic year!The West Sussex Parent Carer Forum (WSPCF) is run by parent carers for parent carers of children and young people with SEND (0 - 25 yrs) and their families. But... What exactly is a Parent Carer Forum?We are a part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) which is a membership led organisation of 150 parent carer forums from across England. All forums are then divided into 9 regional areas, which follow the same regional breakdown as the Department of Education (DfE) Local Authority regions. WSPCF is the official representative for West SussexWe are part of the Southeast regional group (SE19) along with 18 other Parent Carer Forums. Each forum is different and managed individually (we are an independent charity), with all our feedback gathered in the regional areas and then collated to form the NNPCF's key priorities and objectives and fed directly into the National Government. As a member of the NNPCF, we are funded through a DfE grant, which outlines how we must work as a Parent Carer Forum. Our key role is to ensure that parent carers can participate more in the strategic planning and decision-making around services for children and young people with SEND in their area – we call this Coproduction.
Head over to our WEBSITE, FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM for more information, including how we started, what we do and our current events. You can also sign up to the Forum's mailing list. You can do this HERE! |
Citizens Advice in West Sussex - free online webinars about disability benefits
Citizens Advice in West Sussex are delivering free online webinars about disability benefits to help parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). These sessions are in place to support people to apply successfully for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for those under 16 and Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for people 16 or over. The aim of these webinars is to help parents and carers learn more about their eligibility for these benefits and to have the opportunity to learn more about how to fill the applications out themselves, as well as gain awareness for other disability benefits available. These webinars are in group session format and take place on Zoom. The webinars are hosted on different dates and times to benefit as many as possible. For more information or to sign up, visit: https://www.advicewestsussex.org.uk/advice/send-information-and-support/ |
Are you in contact with adults who cannot read or who struggle to read? Read On - West Sussex is a newly launched library initiative, which matches volunteers to adults who want to learn to read. If you know someone who could benefit from this service or would like further information, please email Read.On@westsussex.gov.uk |
Dear parent carers,
The Autism and Social Communication Team (ASCT) are pleased to announce that they will be running further cohorts of the CUES parenting course.
This course is designed to help parent carers of autistic children and young people, or those with social communication differences, to develop the strategies needed to support the ability to cope with uncertainty in everyday situations.
If your child has a preference for certainty, this course may benefit you!
A requirement of this course is that you have previously attended one of the following parent training session, prior to CUES:
The first of these cohorts will be delivered remotely on Tuesday evenings, and is due to begin after half term. There are still limited spaces available. Please contact Victoria.andrews@westsussex.gov.uk if you are interested in attending this particular cohort. Other cohorts will be running throughout the year and details of these will follow in the New Year.
The course is run over 8 weeks, and each session is 2 hours, so please only contact if you are able to commit to attending all 8 sessions.
Dates and times are as follows:
Kind Regards,
Kind regards
Kelly Sibley
Kelly Sibley Autism and Social Communication Team – Advisory Teacher |
Disability Register Launch events
The West Sussex Disability Register team and library staff had lots of fun welcoming children, young people and families to Burgess Hill and Worthing Libraries during February to celebrate the Disability Register! Over 100 people attended the events and enjoyed a magic show, music and circus skills, made their own sensory book, enjoyed some cake or fruit, had a play in our sensory area and more. Each event ended with a Story Magic session featuring our sensory story collection. If you or any families you work with came along and want to let us know what you enjoyed, what we could improve on or what you would like to see at future events please get in touch with the Disability Register Team or visit our Disability Register page for more information or to sign up to the register. Look out for more SEND friendly events in libraries soon! |
Free online SEN resources
We have been helping to support parents with Free Government Funded SEN Online resourses.
Topics include Neuroscience in ages 0-7, Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, Mental Health and Challenging Behaviour.
Short Breaks in West Sussex
We have produced a Three Minute Guide to the changes to Short Breaks in West Sussex. View and share the video on YouTube Share the video on social media such as Facebook using this link. We would encourage you to take three minutes to watch the guide and please can you share on your social media and through your parent carer networks. |
West Sussex Children and Young People's Plan
For further information please email cypp@westsussex.gov.uk |
Cost of Living!
This is the link for the Broadfield Hub, they can advise about crisis payments, food parcels etc
Crawley Broadfield Family Hub - West Sussex County Council
Help for Households - Get government cost of living support link for parents to support
Reaching Families a range os support for parents/families with additional needs
West Sussex Mind | Homepage Training and support
Transition Time!
In September many of our children will face new changes. We have been working hard on the transitions to make them as smooth as possible. Children have been given transition information to take home. If you require a transition pack, please let us know.
Zones of Rgulation
At Woodgate Primary we use the Zones of Regulation to help us understand and manage our emotions.
This video explains more and how parents can support at home too:
West Sussex Parent Carer Forum
West Sussex Parent Carer Forum is a charity led by parents of children/young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) age 0-25. Our aim is to make sure that West Sussex services meet the needs of SEND children/young people and their parents. We accomplish this by working in partnership with local authorities, education settings, the NHS and other providers to highlight where local services, processes and commissioners are working well, or challenge when changes or improvements need to be made. We achieve this by gathering the views of parent carers (via forum groups, surveys, social media feedback and more). We also help parent carers to navigate the world of SEND by providing information, signposting and training. This is generalized via our Facebook page and can also be tailored to the needs of the individual by one of our four Participation Officers – who represent the North, South, East and West of the county. A child/young person does not need to have a formal diagnosis for a parent carer to access our community. We encourage parent carers to follow us on Facebook @WestSussexParentCarerForum, which provides the opportunity for parent carers to participate with interactive posts. It also provides regular updates on events, surveys, training, important SEND news and signposting. You can contact us via Facebook messenger or via: office@wspcf.org.uk. Our website address is: www.wspcf.org.uk. |
Compass Card for children with SEND
Have you heard about Compass Card WSx, the free leisure card that provides discounts and freebies for 0 to 25s with additional needs? Run by Sussex-based charity Amaze and funded by West Sussex County Council, there are around 300 venues in and around Sussex that provide a Compass Card deal and you can see them all on the free Compass Card app or on the offers page on the Compass Card website. Once you have a Compass Card, you can sign up to a weekly e-newsletter, ‘Compass News WSx’. It’s packed with leisure info and there are regular free offers too. Check whether you’re eligible for Compass Card WSx.
To find out more follow the link below:
SEN support during Lockdown
All parents and carers are encouraged to keep in contact with school if they have any queries or concerns, via emails sent and school letters.
Class teachers, SENCO and Headteacher are contactable through their school email address or via the school office if there are any concerns.
Class teachers are keeping a close eye on children’s engagement in live lessons and work. They are offering extra time after a live input to explain the work further to those who are struggling.
Class teachers are contacting families by phone if they have any concerns and to check how SEN pupils are getting on.
The SENCo is kept up-to-date with SEN progress via weekly Staff meeting, email, Whatapp (initials only used) or phone calls.
SENCO and Head contact SEN pupils for which we have concerns and offer ways to support children (see below)
Packs of resources have been sent to families and paper copies are available from school. Any family unable to collect we would do our best to deliver.
The resources include:
Number lines
100 square
Year 1and 2 common exception words (KS1)
200 high frequency words (KS2)
Letter formation/ alphabet sheet
Phase 3 and 5 sound mat
A social story about learning from home during lockdown
sensory activity ideas
calming activity ideas
A visual timetable
Class teachers are to supply children with specific resources to support a lesson and to ask the SENCO when further resources are required.
1:1 sessions are offered for some children with SEN with a TA – teachers will plan for this.
Places at school have been offered where appropriate to support SEN.
Our groups of children are still very small when online so teachers prepare tailored lessons that include support for SEN children.
In reception the teacher is able to deliver live maths and English session across the week for a group of 4 children. She also prepares workbooks for some SEN children who prefer to work this way.
In KS1 we are delivering daily phonics to groups of between 4 and 5 children.
In KS 2 our year 3 group works on their own with a teacher delivering live lessons with up to 6 children.
Our year 4-6 work at a similar ability and work with a teacher in live sessions with up to 9 children.
SEN children are also able to access personalised online programmes to support their learning such as Time Tables Rock Stars, Sum Dog, My Maths, Readiwriter, Oxford Reading Owls and Reading Eggs.
We have also built in a well-being afternoon – where children are encouraged to do something that makes them feel good.
We have daily tutor sessions and story time where teachers can see how children are getting and children can ask questions.
The Learning Mentor is arranging sessions to support children with specific needs.
As this situation is new to all of us we are working together with all stake holders and reviewing regularly and working hard to put in place the right support for all children.
We are still continuing to work with outside agencies, seeking advice, making and continuing with referrals and sharing this information with all stakeholders.
We are also continuing to train staff and TAs e.g. social stories and comic strips and therapeutic approach to behaviour.