"Working together to be our best"
Welcome to Year 2 Squirrels class
On this page you will find useful information about Squirrel’s class
Class Teacher: Miss G Hicks
TA: Miss S Pace
TA: Miss Z Siviter
Each week the children will be given a homework sheet with various tasks for them to complete. Homework is set on Thursday and is due in on the following Tuesday.
Children should read aloud to an adult every day for 10mins, recording this in their reading record books.
Children should also be accessing Numbots and Oxford Owl at home. Their usernames are in their homework books.
Please check your child's Seesaw account for the weekly homework.
Autumn term:
Topic Title: Bugs and Beasts
Phonics: Read Write Inc scheme
Science: How do we know something is alive? Exploring habitats, food chains and life processes.
History: How has technology changed our lives over the past 60 years?
Art: Monochromatic patters
PSHE: Zones of Regulation
Computing: Online safety
DT: Puppet making
RE: Signs and Symbols
PE: Fundamental skills and target games (Mondays and Fridays)