
Woodgate Primary Academy

"Working together to be our best"

Woodpeckers Y1

Welcome to Woodpeckers Class. 

Mrs Van-Schuerbeck is the class teacher, and Mr Clay and Mrs Webber are teaching assitants.



PE days for Woodpeckers are Monday and Wednesday.  Children should have full PE kit in school for those days and earrings should be removed.  If they can't be removed yet as they are new piercings, children should cover them with micropore tape.


Homework is given out on Mondays and will be glued into the Homework/Topic books so please can they be in school every Monday?




We ask, where possible, that you listen to your children read daily.  


We are sending home reading books which the children should be able to read easily.  We will change their reading books on Mondays and Thursdays each week and chidden are asked t hand in their reading records and books as they arrive on those days.  The books are not meant to challenge them too much as they will be linked to the learning they have already achieved and so are more for rehearsal.  We suggest you ask children questions about what they are reading to ensure they understand who, what, where, when and why.


Children really benefit from reading being modelled to them and enjoy hearing stories.  If you are able to, share stories whenever possible too, or encourage older siblings to read to them as it will not only promote a love of reading, but also add to their learning.


In Woodpeckers, we want to share our work with you and notify you of any class messages so we use Seesaw as a platform for this.

We will send out letters with information on how you can log in to your child's page and see what they have been learning.  If you haven't received this, please let the class teacher or TA know and we will get it reissued.
