
Woodgate Primary Academy

"Working together to be our best"

Parent/Teacher Consultations, Reports and Communication

Parent /Teacher Consultations



Each child is allocated a key worker from the nursery team and each term parents will be invited to attend a consultation to discuss their child's progress.



Approximately six weeks after your children starts school, a meeting will be held for parents to keep you informed about what the children are learning and how to support them at home. 


Year R-Y6

Parent consultations are held in the  autumn and spring terms when children’s work can be discussed formally. At each consultation, the class teacher will inform you about your child's progress, attainment, attendance, behaviour for learning and any other pertinent information. If you have any concerns or questions about your child and their education, this would also form part of the discussion.




At the end of the summer term, reports are written and shared with parents.

If parent's want to discuss anything contained in the report, they should make an appointment with the class teacher via the school office.



Regular communication between home and school is vital to the well-being and learning of each child and we are always happy to talk to parents about their child’s education on an informal basis. The Headteacher and class teachers are usually available at the end of the day (preferably by appointment). The beginning of the day is for emergencies only, as staff are preparing for lessons. The Headteacher is usually available at the beginning of the school day and is happy to make an appointment for a longer discussion.  You can email the school at any time using our office email address – 



