"Working together to be our best"
School Council
We have a School Council which consists of children from each class, elected by their peers. They meet with a member of staff to discuss issues such as safety around the school; playground behaviour, aspects of school life and charitable giving.
Eco Council
Our school also has an Eco Council consisting of children from each class. They meet with a member of staff and a governor to discuss how we can be more ecologically and environmentally aware.
Digital Leaders
The digital leaders are a group of children chosen from each class who work on aspects of e-safety.
Playground leaders
This is a group of children from each class who work together to make playtimes more fun and ensure everyone is safe and happy in the school.
Year 5 and 6 pupils have the opportunity to apply to become a school prefect. Once appointed they are given a variety of responsibilities to support the school such as assisting with assemblies, showing visitors around the school and other opportunities as they arise.
Librarians assist with keeping the library organised and tidy.
Food ambassadors
A small group of year 5 children work with Phunky Foods to highlight topical food issues with the rest of the school by organising assemblies, competitions etc.