"Working together to be our best"
Educational Visits
At Woodgate Primary Academy, we aim to provide a broad range of experiences for every child which develops their knowledge and skills.
Class visits, visitors and experiences
Each class will aim to have at least one off site visit each year linked with a theme being taught in the classroom. In addition to this, each class will aim to have a range of themed curricular days, visitors and others experiences to further develop the skills and knowledge of the children.
Sport Events
Woodgate Primary is a member of Mid Sussex Active and as such can access a rage of sporting fixtures throughout the year which are suitable for all ages of the children. Although, not every child will take part in these events, we aim to host events in school run by Mid Sussex Active which the children can take part in.
Enrichment Events
Woodgate Primary Academy works with other local schools, particularly NEARs schools to provide a range of opportunities for children to develop other skills and knowledge, such as music, art, computing etc.
Residential Events
At Woodgate, we believe it is important to give the children a broad range of experiences to help build their social and life skills. The residential is a really important part of this experience and it is always a highlight to the year allowing the children to form long lasting memories that every child takes with them on their life journey.
At Woodgate Primary, years 5 and 6 attend a 3 day / 2 night residential at Hindleap Warren every two years. In the year they do not have a residential, they have a night to camp on the school field.
Years 3 and 4 have a one night/ two day residential at Blacklands Farm. In the year they do not have a residential, they have a night to camp on the school field.