"Working together to be our best"
Please see the attendance policy above for detailed information about school absence.
Advance notice of absence
If your child will be absent because of a visit to the doctor or dentist, or for any other medical appointment, please let us know in advance by completing the medical appointment form available from the school office. Where possible, please make these appointments out of school hours.
Unexpected absence
In the case of illness or other any other unexpected absence, please inform the school office before 8.50am on the first day and any subsequent days of absence.
Children without an explanatory letter after an absence are registered as an unauthorised absence.
No holidays during term time will be authorised. Taking holiday in term time might result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued by West Sussex County Council (see link below).
WSCC School absences and fixed penalty notices
Please complete the 'Application for Exceptional Leave of Absence Request Form' which is included in the attendance policy link. Please return to the school office so that it may be forwarded to the Headteacher.